Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DS Game Coming To The UK!!!!!!!!!!!!

So many of you from the UK have been waiting to get the Club Penguin Nintendo DS Game: Elite Penguin Force... and the team's been working really hard to get it to you. We're very excited to finally tell you that this Friday, March 13, it'll be available in the UK!!In the UK, it'll be available at stores including: GAME; Argos; ASDA; Toys"R"Us; HMV. It'll also be online at: Disneystore.co.uk; Play.com; Amazon.co.uk.Check the Toy page on Friday for an updated list of places you can get it! And don't forget that the game comes with a code - you can enter it in Club Penguin to unlock something special. Thanks again for being so patient while we've been working on this.


  1. I wish I had the money to buy the game.:(

    ~Moon Man Two CP Cheats Owner~

  2. im getting it im so HAPPY my mum and dad are buying it for me and it comes with a game code to unlock items online YAY!!!!!!!!!!

    ~Lil Maney Club Penguin Cheat President~

  3. Lil Maney you get to go in a secret room in the HQ!That's what the code is for!!I got you.I wish I had the money to buy it.But soon I'm getting a toy code!

    ~Moon Man Twp CP Cheats Owner~
